

Webcast and Transcript Sign-Ups have been extended

To sign up, please click on the following link: Webcast and Transcript Sign-Up


Action Items

Onboarding Session:

Presentation Time:

Company Availability Confirmation:

Webcast Sign-Up: 

Company Profile:

Speaker Profile


See Presentation Time Tab for updates!

  More info in Webcast Sign-Up Tab

  More info in Company Profile Tab

  More info in Speaker Profile Tab

Please email for any questions concerning your presenter details.


Personal Onboarding Session

As part of our white glove onboarding service you will receive a 30-minute, personal onboarding session to ensure you feel comfortable with our virtual platform and eliminate any potential technical difficulties. Sessions will be held from December 8 to the 18. Please select your preferred time below. Once you schedule your personal onboarding session you will receive a calendar invite along with meeting information. Your personal on-boarder will walk you through your technical set up, provide you with tips and best practices, and answer any questions you might have.

Presentation Materials: If you are planning to do a traditional presentation please come prepared with a presentation draft and inform on-boarder if you plan to include a video within your presentation. For fireside chat format, please indicate if you will have slides or videos as well.

What happen after your onboarding session? 

On the day of your live session: 20 minutes before your presentation please join the Zoom link provided a week before the event; a producer will join you in your virtual waiting room to make sure you and your analyst are ready to go.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We are excited to see what we can do in this digital space.


***Note: clicking on a "Speaking At" link will show presentation time and automatically updated leading up to the conference***


Presentation Length
Public companies are given 25 minutes of prepared presentation followed by 30 minutes of Q&A.
Private companies are given 20 minutes of prepared presentation followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.

Presentation Type Fireside Chat sessions will be moderated by sponsor senior research analyst or ICR client manager listed above Please connect with your ICR client manager to discuss specific session topics.  

Traditional Presentation sessions are fully customizable using slides and videos to create a fully immersive experience. 

Panel Discussion may have up to six (6) participants and are scheduled for 25 or 55 minutes. Please click here to contact your panel coordinator with any questions regarding panel specifics in advance of the conference. 

Company Onboarding
If you have not done so already, click here to book your personal white glove 30-minute onboarding session. This session will ensure you feel comfortable and eliminate any potential technical difficulties. Sessions will be held December 8-18. Once you schedule your personal onboarding session you will receive a calendar invite along with detailed meeting information. 


Speaker Ready  
20 minutes before your presentation please join the Zoom link provided a week before the event; a producer will join you in your virtual waiting room to make sure you and your analyst/host (if applicable) are ready to go. Your session will require audio and video, so please enable your camera and speaker when you open Zoom. Place your camera at eye level and center yourself in the frame. Speakers need to ensure their presentation is final before joining the Zoom room 20-mins before their live presentation. It is not necessary to provide presentation slides prior to your session. Slides will be taken from the share screen function in zoom for integration into the LIVE session.

  • All presentations should be in 16:9 / 1920x1080 format. 
  • Presentations including sound or video requirements need to be embedded into the presentation. It is recommended this is tested during onboarding, this does not need to include final positioning or formatting. 

Business attire is recommended.  Dress as you would for a physical conference, avoiding wearing all white or all black, or bright, distracting colors and patterns. We also ask that you do not wear a headset or headphones.

Reminder: Sponsor Meeting Requests
ICR requests that presenting companies prioritize and fulfill sponsor requests for meetings only (one-on-one's, group meetings, etc.) and decline meeting requests from non-sponsoring banks. Ultimately, it is the sponsor's event, and their sponsorship makes the conference possible.

Company Availability

Please use the link below to access the meeting portal. Click on “Meeting Availability” to select dates and times your company is available to host 1X1, small and group meetings.

Click here to select your availability

Meeting Information

Before the live event, it is important to test the video meeting software on the device you will be using. Click here to test. Once you enter the test site, click "Join Meeting" to test your camera & microphone.

Live support will be available during the conference. Click here to access meeting best practices and troubleshooting guidance. 

Webcast and Transcript Sign-Ups have been extended


  • The cost to webcast your presentation is $1500.
  • Webcast with transcript (3 day turnaround) is $1600.
  • During sign up, you may choose "No Webcast" to opt-out.
  • To sign up, please click on the following link: Webcast Sign-Up.
  • Webcasting is an optional service that is compliant with Regulation Fair Disclosure Obligations.
  • Live webcasts will be available on the day of the presentation and archived for up to 90 days.
  • All companies will receive a confirmation email directly from Q4 that will contain a dedicated webcast link. on Wednesday, December 23.
  • Cutoff date for webcasting is Monday, December 21.
  • Any questions, please contact Steven Boediarto at 203-682-8281 or
  • This conference will be webcast in real-time and on-demand for 90 days following the conference. Webcasts are open to the public and not password protected.
  • Webcasts may be accessed via any computer browser (Mac or PC), Mobile iOS device or Android device.
  • Webcast includes both the audio and visual component of the live presentation excluding Q&A with optional closed captioning. 


Presentations made by companies participating in the conference have been prepared by and are the sole responsibility of the presenting company. Such presentations have not been reviewed, approved or endorsed by ICR Inc., and ICR Inc., is not responsible for their accuracy or completeness. The views and opinions expressed therein are those of the presenting company only and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of ICR Inc.. Presentations made by companies participating in the conference may contain forward-looking statements and forecasts which may not be attained. Presentations made by ICR Inc., employees participating in the conference are based upon publicly available information, which is believed to be reliable, but no representation is made by ICR Inc., as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. This webcast is not and should not be construed to be an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy nor a recommendation of any security. ICR Inc., and others affiliated with it may be market makers or specialists in, act as advisers or lenders to, have positions in and effect transactions in securities of companies mentioned herein and also may provide, may have provided, or may seek to provide investment banking services for those companies. In addition, ICR Inc., and/or its affiliates and their respective employees hold or may hold long or short positions in the securities, options thereon or other related investments of companies discussed herein.

Company Profile Not Submitted

If you have not already submitted a company profile, please click here to submit your company assets. 

Company Profile Submitted

If you have additional changes to your company assets, please email Q4 Support.


Company Name
Backcountry is the leading digitally native, global outdoor specialty retailer, operating across five sites with a wide range of categories, including ski, bike, camp, climb, surf, indoor training, and powersports. Customers gravitate to the brand in part for its Gearheads—complimentary expertise with best-in-class service.

Since its first sale (an avalanche beacon) in 1996 out of a garage in Utah’s mountains, the brand has carried on in the spirit of founders Jim Holland—an Olympic ski jumper—and John Bresee by helping everyone get outside via access to gear and guidance.

In 2021, Backcountry is becoming a true omnichannel retailer, growing its own nascent labels, reinvigorating its catalog, and opening three brick-and-mortar stores.
Company Type
Company Twitter Handle
Company Instagram
Company Logo Vector File
Additional Company Assets
Please confirm Traditional Presentation or Fireside Chat
Traditional Presentation
Company 1x1 Email
ICR Primary CM CC Email


Speaker Profile Not Submitted

If you have not already submitted a speaker profile, please click here to submit it

Speaker Profile Submitted

Then no further action is required, it will not show below. 

If you have additional changes to your speaker assets, please email Q4 Support

Please email for any questions concerning the company profile