Company Name
Prestige Consumer Healthcare Inc
The Company markets and distributes brand name over-the-counter healthcare products throughout the U.S. and Canada, Australia, and in certain other international markets. The Company’s brands include Monistat® and Summer’s Eve® women's health products, BC® and Goody's® pain relievers, Clear Eyes® eye care products, DenTek® and The Doctor's® oral care products, Dramamine® motion sickness treatments, Fleet® enemas and glycerin suppositories, Chloraseptic® sore throat treatments, Compound W® wart treatments, Little Remedies® pediatric over-the-counter products, Efferdent® denture care products, Luden's® throat drops, Debrox® earwax remover, Gaviscon® antacid in Canada, and Hydralyte® rehydration products and the Fess® line of nasal and sinus care products in Australia. Visit the Company's website at
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